Pesto - fish recipe
Date: Jan 18, 2019
Fish fillets ( 100g)
Basil pesto dressing -1 tbsp
salt to taste
lime juice 1 tsp
oil to grease.
To marinate take the fish fillets and mix well with basil pesto, salt and lime juice and keep in refrigerator for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes bring it out. Grease a pan and cook fish at low flame for 15 minutes.
Serve with side dish like grilled pineapple/ sauteed bellpeppers.
For Pesto dressing to make at home ;
2 cups fresh basil leaves 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil.
1/3 cup nuts ( chopped walnuts)
3 garlic cloves
1 tsp lemon juice
salt to taste
method- Toast the nuts for extra flavor in a medium skillet. Add all ingredients in mixer jar and mix well. Add salt as per the requirement and lime juice.
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